omer bar-or · The Plan Askew · What are ftags?

What are ftags?

Written: May 28th, 2007, 4:23 (UTC) By: omer 2 comments

ftags (folder tags) are tags with a hierarchical structure. For example, a search for "bar" will return all posts ftagged "bar" or any of "bar"s descendents (e.g., "bar/baz"), while a search for "foo/bar" will return posts ftagged "bar" or a descendent of "bar," where "bar" is a child of the ftag "foo" (so: "foo/bar" and "foo/bar/baz" are grabbed, but "bar" and "bar/baz" are not).


  1. (Untitled)

    Written: May 29th, 2007, 21:53 (UTC) By: Benjamin [www] permalink

    Hey! Cool site!

  2. (Untitled)

    Written: May 29th, 2007, 21:58 (UTC) By: omer [www] permalink

    Hey! Thanks!

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